Prevent direct access to all files All Czech translations updated (thanks Ondrej!) Copyright: Improve Customizer experience Sections: Completely re-designed and re-built Sections Sections: Section content is now saved into your default editor on update/save. This prevents theme-lock, meaning your content will still exist even if you remove Sections. Sections: Send to default editor button removed as the before removes the need for it Sections: Add bottom & top padding unit option (px or %) Page Header: Add generate_page_header_video_loop filter to disable looping of the page header video Page Header: Add option to remove the page header from single posts Page Header: Make number only inputs only accepts numbers Page Header: Force page header above the content if merged option is set Page Header: Disable automatic check for background video posters if no image is set Page Header: Use featured image as background image if no page header image is set Spacing: Remove duplicate menu item height CSS Spacing: Make inputs number only Spacing: All options are now instant preview Blog: Make post image sizes and excerpt length inputs number only Blog: Force full width masonry items on mobile Blog: Show Blog panel even when we're not viewing the blog in the Customizer Menu Plus: Reduce space between menu toggle and search icon on mobile with menu logo enabled Menu Plus: Show navigation logo option and navigation logo position option even if sticky navigation isn't enabled Menu Plus: Optimize javascript and put it all in files instead of in wp_footer Menu Plus: Allow navigation logo to show in sidebar navigation causing a sidebar logo effect Menu Plus: Float mobile header to the right on RTL installations Typography: Add new filter: generate_typography_variants Typography: Make font size, weight and decoration instant preview Typography: Only show top 200 popular Google Fonts in Customizer (increases Customizer performance) Typography: generate_number_of_fonts filter added so you can choose how many fonts to include in the Customizer list Typography: Remove 2 database queries Typography: Add Segoe UI font to default list Typography: Revamp how Google fonts get their category and variants (increase front end performance) Colors: Make all colors instant preview Secondary Navigation: Colors are now instant preview Secondary Navigation: Typography font weight, transform and size are now instant preview Secondary Navigation: Layout options are now instant preview Hooks: Disable spell check in hook textareas Hooks: Fix floating box issue on RTL installations Backgrounds: Use default WordPress image uploader customizer control Customizer: All Customizer controls are now rendered in javascript/json - big +1 for performance