County Commission Meeting

Marco Island City Council 2023 Regular Meeting Schedule Regular scheduled meetings begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Dr. Fay and Bedford Biles Community Room, 51 Bald Eagle Drive, Marco Island, Florida 34145. Meeting times may change; check the posted agenda or online calendar for start time. Special-called meetings and workshops are scheduled as needed. Meeting notices will be posted on the City’s website, and at Marco Island City Hall, 50 Bald Eagle Drive, Marco Island, Florida 34145. Council meetings will be lived-steamed on the City’s website, and broadcast live on the City’s cable television channel, unless hindered by technical or weather-related issues. For more information about City Council meetings, call the City Clerk’s office at (239) 389-5010. Month 1st Meeting Date 2nd Meeting Date January 9 23 February 6 21 (Tuesday) March 6 20 April 10 24 May 8 22 June 5 19 July 10 24 August 7 21 September 5 (Tuesday) 18 October 2 16 November 6 20 December 4 18 Dec 12, 2022 #5518117